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Good Karma Shoes Make You a Better Person

Could you strike a man if you were wearing Ghandi's sandals? At Funky Shoes we think not. We believe there is some unkown energy that is transmitted from physical objects to those within the aura of that object. So Funky Shoes searches the globe for the shoes of people doing good works. Our shoes come from Red Cross Volunteers, Doctors Without Borders, Peace Negotiators, Wildlife Preservationist, Local Activist, and many others. The list is long. Be one of them. Order a pair of Funky Good Karma Shoes and be a better person.

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Online Sampler
Item: Karma843-F
Size: 7
Color: Black Leather
Condition: Good

Price: $100.00

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These soft leather shoes were worn by Carla Garrison when she walked in Washington in support of civil rights. These shoes were there to hear Martin Luther King proclaim, "I have a dream.". Wear these shoes and work for justice for all people.

"I am like so totally not into shoes you know. They are like so restrictive, so confining. Prison for your feet. But sometimes you hafta wear 'em like when you're at some uptight convention trying to score a free ride. At least with Funky Shoes I know I'm not supporting stuffed suits exploiting child labor in foreign sweat shops"
            Ima Greentree
            Boulder, CO
"When I wear my Good Karma Shoes from Funky Shoes I just seem to make better choices. If I were to do something bad when I'm wearing the shoes of someone good I think it would violate some cosmic force."
            Bert Wilson
            Pittsburg, PA
"I have accumulated so much bad karma in my life I need all the help I can get. With Funky Shoes I get that with almost no effort at all on my part. I don't have to waste time helping others or anything. I just wear the shoes and figure I'm golden."
            Tom Snyder
            Manhattan, NY